CFDEM®coupling extends Aspherix® for coupled CFD-DEM simulations and provides a wide range of functionalities for modelling complex fluid-particle processes. No matter if multiphase problems, heat transfer, spray modelling or chemical reactions – CFDEM®coupling can handle all of them.
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of a three phase ball mill (water, gas, granular material) with a volume of fluid (VOF) and a DEM solver.
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A three-phase fluidized bed comprising liquid, gas and particles is modelled using (Euler-Euler) CFD-DEM method.
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An extruder is transporting and melting polypropylene granules (particles: white spheres, molten plastic: purple iso-surfaces). The interplay between solid, air and liquid is obtained by coupling Aspherix® with a VoF CFD-DEM solver in CFDEM®coupling. The melting is reproduced by a mass transfer from solid to liquid, which occurs when the particle temperature exceeds the melting point due to external heating.
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This video shows a full-coupled CFD-DEM simulation of a fluidized bed granulation process. A liquid-solid mixture is sprayed into the granulator (see droplets in magenta) from a nozzle. The liquid and solid species are deposited onto the carrier particles and, partially, onto the granulator walls. The product quality (between 0 to 1) measures the coating/granulation level of the carrier particles. Finally, the temperature field changes dynamically due to the heating from the fluidization air and the cooling due to the liquid evaporation.
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This fully four-way coupled CFD-DEM simulation with CFDEM®coupling shows the flow of a viscoelastic fluid and particles through a contraction. The viscoelasticity of the fluid is modelled by the Giesekus equations.
The graph shows the validation against literature (Favero et al.).
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The IBM requires a fine resolution of the mesh regions, in which particles are present. Adaptive mesh refinement is carried out for IBM particles – depending on their size. The mesh is refined until a given number of cells per particle is reached.
Using coupled CFD-DEM to simulate the methane dehydroaromatization within 3D printed catalysts (symbol image on the right). A 1D-3D model is used for being able to resolve the effects that take place at small scales while representing the entire process (large scales, also time-wise) at the same time. The image shows a snapshot of the benzene concentration within a 3D element. The work is carried out in the frame of the ZEOCAT3D project.
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This application case combines numerous functionalities:
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Simulation of a plume of rising bubbles (right) and the fluid flow that is induced by the bubbles (arrows on the left). The bubbles coalesce when getting in touch and break up for Weber numbers above a certain threshold.
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CFDEM®coupling provides the functionality for handling particles and moving geometry parts using Immersed Boundary Method (IBM). Particles can be modelled as fully “resolved” objects using IBM (right) if the CFD mesh resolution is finer than the particles. In contrast to that, the “unresolved” CFD-DEM handles particles that are finer than the CFD mesh using the Volume Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations.
Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of a three phase ball mill (water, gas, granular material) with a volume of fluid (VOF) and a DEM solver.
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A three-phase fluidized bed comprising liquid, gas and particles is modelled using (Euler-Euler) CFD-DEM method.
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An extruder is transporting and melting polypropylene granules (particles: white spheres, molten plastic: purple iso-surfaces). The interplay between solid, air and liquid is obtained by coupling Aspherix® with a VoF CFD-DEM solver in CFDEM®coupling. The melting is reproduced by a mass transfer from solid to liquid, which occurs when the particle temperature exceeds the melting point due to external heating.
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Size-based Segregation of Pharmaceutical Powders
This is the CFD-DEM simulation of fine, poly-disperse pharamaceutical powder in a closed tube. Size segregation is caused by the counter-current airflow which is induced by the particle stream falling downwards.
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This fully four-way coupled CFD-DEM simulation with CFDEM®coupling shows the flow of a viscoelastic fluid and particles through a contraction. The viscoelasticity of the fluid is modelled by the Giesekus equations.
The graph shows the validation against literature (Favero et al.).
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The IBM requires a fine resolution of the mesh regions, in which particles are present. Adaptive mesh refinement is carried out for IBM particles – depending on their size. The mesh is refined until a given number of cells per particle is reached.
Using coupled CFD-DEM to simulate the methane dehydroaromatization within 3D printed catalysts (symbol image on the right). A 1D-3D model is used for being able to resolve the effects that take place at small scales while representing the entire process (large scales, also time-wise) at the same time. The image shows a snapshot of the benzene concentration within a 3D element. The work is carried out in the frame of the ZEOCAT3D project.
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This application case combines numerous functionalities:
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Simulation of a plume of rising bubbles (right) and the fluid flow that is induced by the bubbles (arrows on the left). The bubbles coalesce when getting in touch and break up for Weber numbers above a certain threshold.
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CFDEM®coupling provides the functionality for handling particles and moving geometry parts using Immersed Boundary Method (IBM). Particles can be modelled as fully “resolved” objects using IBM (right) if the CFD mesh resolution is finer than the particles. In contrast to that, the “unresolved” CFD-DEM handles particles that are finer than the CFD mesh using the Volume Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations.