Complex processes often depend on the combination of a large number of physical and chemical procedures. CFDEM®coupling provides a large number of models for depicting phenomena like heat transfer, melting, evaporation or chemical reactions.
This video shows a simulation of solid-liquid mixing in stirred tank. A semi-implicit immersed boundary method has been used to solve the fluid flow due to the rotating geometry. The CFD-DEM coupling, however, is of the unresolved type. Please, refer to the following publication for further information: Blais, B. et al. (2016). Development of an unresolved CFD–DEM model for the flow of viscous suspensions and its application to solid–liquid mixing.
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The animation shows the simulation of the release of API from coated particles in a dry powder inhaler. On the left side we see the API concentration in the air, on the right side the coating on the particles.
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Model of a melting pot realized with CFDEM®coupling. Particles are heated up by particle-wall contact and convective heat transfer. If the particles reach a melting temperature, they shrink and this volume is transferred to the liquid phase. This results in a three phase system with solid particles, gas and liquid.
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A spray wets the inserted particles. Both the walls and a hot gas stream heat up the particles which triggers evaporation. The water vapor is transported by the fluid.
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Using coupled CFD-DEM to simulate the methane dehydroaromatization within 3D printed catalysts (symbol image on the right). A 1D-3D model is used for being able to resolve the effects that take place at small scales while representing the entire process (large scales, also time-wise) at the same time. The image shows a snapshot of the benzene concentration within a 3D element. The work is carried out in the frame of the ZEOCAT3D project.
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Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of a chemical reaction consisting in the decomposition of methane into hydrogen and solid carbon. The chemical reaction is triggered by the presence of a solid particles. The solid reaction product lays down as a film on the particle surface. This setup was used for validating the reaction model.
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CFDEM®coupling can use Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) to calculate the conductive heat flux between a rigid body and the surrounding fluid.
The heat transfer is enabled by the force model LaEuScalarTempIB (on the coupling side) and by the Aspherix® command enable_heat_conduction (on the DEM side).
Additional feature of LaEuScalarTempIB: prescribe a mass diffusivity inside the immersed bodies to control the transport of chemical species inside/outside the body.
This video shows a simulation of solid-liquid mixing in stirred tank. A semi-implicit immersed boundary method has been used to solve the fluid flow due to the rotating geometry. The CFD-DEM coupling, however, is of the unresolved type. Please, refer to the following publication for further information: Blais, B. et al. (2016). Development of an unresolved CFD–DEM model for the flow of viscous suspensions and its application to solid–liquid mixing.
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Model of a melting pot realized with CFDEM®coupling. Particles are heated up by particle-wall contact and convective heat transfer. If the particles reach a melting temperature, they shrink and this volume is transferred to the liquid phase. This results in a three phase system with solid particles, gas and liquid.
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A spray wets the inserted particles. Both the walls and a hot gas stream heat up the particles which triggers evaporation. The water vapor is transported by the fluid.
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Using coupled CFD-DEM to simulate the methane dehydroaromatization within 3D printed catalysts (symbol image on the right). A 1D-3D model is used for being able to resolve the effects that take place at small scales while representing the entire process (large scales, also time-wise) at the same time. The image shows a snapshot of the benzene concentration within a 3D element. The work is carried out in the frame of the ZEOCAT3D project.
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Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of a chemical reaction consisting in the decomposition of methane into hydrogen and solid carbon. The chemical reaction is triggered by the presence of a solid particles. The solid reaction product lays down as a film on the particle surface. This setup was used for validating the reaction model.
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CFDEM®coupling can use Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) to calculate the conductive heat flux between a rigid body and the surrounding fluid.
The heat transfer is enabled by the force model LaEuScalarTempIB (on the coupling side) and by the Aspherix® command enable_heat_conduction (on the DEM side).
Additional feature of LaEuScalarTempIB: prescribe a mass diffusivity inside the immersed bodies to control the transport of chemical species inside/outside the body.