


Pre- and post-processing are almost as important as the simulation itself. Aspherix® provides many tools and functionalities that ease the setup process and help to exploit the simulation results to a maximum.


Residence Time

KPIs like residence time distributions from processes which take hours used to be inaccessible to highly resolved DEM simulations – now they are accessible!


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Nonspherical Shapes

Nonspherical Shapes

Aspherix® GUI provides several tools & helpers to generate nonspherical particles. One example is the superquadric builder, which visualizes the particle during its creation and adds it to the simulation automatically:


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Job Queue

Job Queue

Running a simulation tree with a single click!


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Generating a Coupled Simulation with the GUI

Using the CFD-DEM tab of the GUI to combine a DEM and a CFD case.


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With the Appification functionality Aspherix® GUI users can create Apps out of their simulations that can be applied with almost no specific knowledge about DEM or Aspherix®. Only few parameters that should be varied are visible, all other settings are hidden (can be edited in “non-App-view” at all times but are invisible to App users).

Power Draw

Power Draw

Aspherix® can determine power draw on static and moving parts! Optimize the actuation, operating conditions and geometry of your equipment.


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Residence Time

Residence Time

KPIs like residence time distributions from processes which take hours used to be inaccessible to highly resolved DEM simulations – now they are accessible!


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Energy Evaluation

Energy Evaluation

Analysis of the energy used to lift a bowl out of a packed bed.


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Force Chains

Force Chains

Visualization of the contact forces between particles and particles (center) and particles and walls (right).


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Aspherix can compute the Vornoii tesselation of packings, for meshes wall handling is available.



Paraview macros are provided for automated postprocessing. When using the “Start Paraview” button in the GUI the data is postprocessed automatically. Alternatively, if the “aspherix_simulation.pvd” file is loaded manually, the “aspherix” macro can be applied for automated postprocessing.

automated postprocessing

Postprocessing with Ovito

So far the following features are available:

  • Particle representation + coloring according to desired quantities (velocity, …)
  • Efficient representation of nonspherical particles
  • Mesh representation + coloring according to selected properties
  • Representation of particle-particle contact networks
  • Visualization of eulerian fields
  • Pathlines


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